Saturday, April 22, 2017

Dauphin Dog Training Trial

We only entered one day at Dauphin, it was at a great facility called In The Net.

Ryka has been feeling amazing and is fast!  She and CC Qd in Standard but not in Jumpers.

CC also got her first Premier Q in Standard!  I am so proud!

One more week until the CWCCA national specialty!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

York County Agility trial

This past Sunday, we made the long drive to Bella Vista Training Center in Pennsylvania.  

The trial there is friendly, nice folks, and the facility is awesome.  

The girls had a great weekend!!!

CC earned her 5th double Q and got 59 points!  She also earned her Masters Jumpers Preferred Bronze title!!!  

Ryka got double Q number 13 and 29 points!  

Saturday, April 1, 2017

March Madness Cluster

I got to show Geddy in conformation at the local shows, known as the March Madness cluster.  We showed in the Herding Group Club of NJ show and he went Select Dog Again.

Saturday he went Best Puppy in Sweeps under breeder-judge Joy Quallenburg!  His only chance to be shown in Puppy Sweepstakes before he aged out, and he won it all.  Good pup!

Sunday we did not get in the ribbons but he showed lovely and with some maturity and more practice, we will have our time in the sun.

Some photos taken by our friend Mindy!